Map Ranking

Killaean Empire

Tribe name:Killaean Empire
Number of members:10
Points of the best 30 players7.562
Total points:7.562
Average points:756
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 4.608 (105.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Bruce Knauff 1 1,181 1991 1
Korban6 2 1,159 2031 1
sweetdreams6t9 3 1,112 2112 1
JEFFTHECHEESE 4 818 2648 1
baksohunter 5 823 2696 1
amort123 6 657 2964 1
TribeTuner 7 514 3303 1
BeckAtIt 8 487 3384 1
catfish guy 9 452 3475 1
gpflexi 10 359 3785 1
For these are troubling times.

As war swept across the World, a council was called in the lands of BBB. At this council, many Lords and Ladies brought forth options to save their people. The chosen course of action was to gather peoples from across the Realm, and seek out new lands, free from war.