Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 FiveRatsMatchingTats 50/50 13.007.499 1102 11804
2 Himothy Hussein 50/50 10.454.394 950 11005
3 Warpro 50/50 9.548.407 855 11168
4 makobex 50/50 9.253.936 846 10938
5 PopDonut 50/50 9.168.477 874 10490
6 Snorlax 50/50 7.357.468 636 11568
7 Cool Cool Cool 50/50 6.811.412 654 10415
8 Dr Chase Toxic 6.213.603 527 11791
9 Unreliable Greek Players 50/50 6.079.548 571 10647
10 THE GOD OF PENETRATION Toxic 5.964.972 557 10709
11 kpap 50/50 5.963.149 553 10783
12 Ultra Master Donald 5.943.337 565 10519
13 GaeSibalnom 50/50 5.877.807 510 11525
14 babymilo80 50/50 5.860.348 563 10409
15 killersodur 50/50 5.775.726 529 10918
16 The Sleepless Elite 50/50 5.668.806 559 10141
17 *Caligula 50/50 5.629.015 510 11037
18 R0cki99 50/50 5.544.006 514 10786
19 =Mushu= Maskin 5.528.949 544 10164
20 maddrick Donald 5.298.814 451 11749
21 Say My Name Toxic 5.168.119 515 10035
22 MaJeSTee 50/50 4.992.086 506 9866
23 Not Wanted Miki 50/50 4.888.231 460 10627
24 HannibalBarcaEST Toxic 4.819.608 436 11054
25 Volbeat Dare 4.615.876 444 10396
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