Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 38.636 (250.)
Tribe: 50/50

Villages (24) Coordinates Points
001 Rat Trap Factory
555|434 8.354
002 Beginner Protection
555|432 7.051
003 No Protection
552|434 7.051
004 Cat Training Camp
557|429 6.235
005 PP Issues
549|437 6.461
006 Friendly Neighbour
591|396 6.188
007 James Bond
552|436 6.143
008 Defence Checker
559|439 6.504
009 Corgi Sanctuary
551|433 6.538
010 Koksal Fanclub
553|432 5.926
011 Iron Deficiency
555|420 2.119
012 Sorry
552|435 6.299
013 Matii Sushi
557|433 2.220
014 Pizzeria Trattoria
556|434 5.843
015 Cancer Immune Whale
557|443 1.830
016 Sweet Sixteen
548|427 1.803
017 Beaver Dam
541|431 1.770
018 Ramping
541|428 1.382
019 Cola Addict
570|432 1.111
020 Dukaboy
548|431 1.230
021 Blackjack
560|438 1.113
022 Catch
564|431 810
023 And Me
561|437 607
024 Hours
559|430 321
Personal picture
Personal text

Victory achievements
Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 90 with your tribe Bananas in Pyjamas.

Milestone achievements
Conqueror (Level 1)

You were the first to own 2 villages

Score champion (Level 1)

You were the second to reach 10.000 points.

Combat achievements
Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Achievements on other worlds
World 90